Our initiatives

Give a helping hand to those in need

Our initiatives

WIA Leadership Conference

The WIA Leadership Conference is an annual event designed to inspire women to achieve success in their personal, professional and entrepreneurial lives by encouraging them to pursue their dreams.

Our Speakers are phenomenal leaders who have a real impact in their community and society. Guests Speakers share their knowledge, keys, wisdom, successes and failures to inspire our women of impact.

Education Program "Champion Girls"

The Education Program promotes the education of young girls and orphans coming from very poor households by working in collaboration with teachers and affected families to identify individual needs.

We are also raising awareness on the importance of educating young girls and the real benefits to be drawn from it in order to fight against school dropout and increase the admission and retention rates of young girls in school.

Among other things, we campaign for the donation of school supplies including backpacks to young orphan girls in Africa. The 1 girl - 1 bag campaign is one of them.

I Rise Series

“I Rise Series” is a series of virtual conversations on various topics such as race, violence against women, education, identity, empowerment, leadership, health and wellness.

This series of conversations was initiated by WIA during the Covid-19 pandemic to raise awareness by sharing information and providing tools, solutions and support to our communities.